I'm pleased, no, I'm ECSTATIC, to announce that I now have my very own music blog. You can find it in my navigation bar, bottom button. Or under the address of: Heretofore I have been able to post little bits of NEWSY happenings in NEWS section of my web. But I've often had a hankering to tell a story or ruminate about my music world and putting it in the NEWS section didn't seem quite appropriate (scroll down to PLAYING COFFEEHOUSE VENUES and you'll see what I mean. I'll be moving that story to the blog shortly!) The icing on the cake, though, that I find it quite liberating is having a blog gives YOU the opportunity to comment on anything I say if you are so inclined! So come on over -- I've posted a few thoughts already and if you want to chime in, by all means, CHIME AWAY!!

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