Living with Snow

I love this story my friend Andy Stone from Sussex England sent me, so I thought to share it here: I've been listening to your "A Christmas Dream" track and want to say what a wonderful tribute it is to your brother Terry. The song works on a personal level but also paints a picture of winters past for everyone (even though I can never remember a white Christmas, well maybe a flake or two.) Not so much skiing but I can remember we could always guarantee a weekend of crazy sledding each year and nearly everybody had a sled in their garage ,or else they made do with a tin tray or a sheet of polythene! My Dad used to make our sleds and even built a steering one one year (not we got to play on it as he hogged it!) The funniest (and scariest) thing was when he thought he'd try to go down the hill on a big old rocking chair with my sister Claire on his lap, what was he thinking of? Well maybe he though he'd slide majestically down in first class comfort but he'd just picked up speed when the chair It did what it was designed to do and tipped them out and cart-wheeled over them, but thankfully neither of them where hurt.I can remember on those sledding days staying out till dark and returning very cold and wet. The snow hasn't settled deep enough to sled on here (Sussex,UK) for years now-- the winters are so mild so you just don't see sleds in the shops or kids playing on them. It's sad. I guess it must be a result of global warming. I feel that my children, (Laura and Jake) have missed out.

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